Monday, October 18, 2010

New Pilots break free from the Empires chains!

So after moving back to empire I have a crazy notion going on. I am recruiting for Healthcare for Space Hermits specifically seeking those fresh from the academy (or still in it). The idea here is to give back to the new people some of the knowledge that has been granted to me over the last year or so.

I want people with less than 2M skill points looking to take the next step out of the NPC starter corps to try a few of the many careers EVE has to offer. Specifically HCSH offers direction in Industry based Highsec professions (mining, building, R&D, P.I.) and PvE stuff (Blowing up rats for cash and standings). We also offer a foot into the PvP door with Lowsec roams, standard frigs fit suggestions and limited free fitted T1 frigates for new PvP pilots looking to swap more than smack talk in local.

So if you’re new to EVE and still flying around with your eyes wide open and a million questions buzzing around in your head. More so still paying 10% to a NPC corp. that will never be invested back into you. Then break free from the Empires chains and come visit me in game channel “HCSH-tavern” or send an eve mail to ZombiNutz or SonOfBraben.

We are small and relaxed and have no plans to be anything else for a while. We will join a highsec Industry Alliance before the year is out. All races welcome. We are based in Lonetrek and can offer relocation assistance.




  1. Well alrighty then, I miss a few posts and you go off in a completely different direction! lol. Seriously though I wish you well, I tried running my own Corp (twice) and found it to be much more than I was prepared for at the time. But I suspect you'll do very well and I wish you all the luck in the universe.

    If I get any leads on pilots I think might be right for you, I'll point them in your direction.

  2. Sorry mate. I dropped an app to DION thinking it was the solution to my lack of PvP time. In reality it was my RL schedule that does not allow me to bring value to 0.0 space. Even if I want to play in lawless space. I also liked the DION folks I chatted with a ton. So for now I am focusing on what I can do and what makes me happy. In EVE right now that is helping fresh pilots after the tutorials are done. I’ve already found one pilot who has a similar play window to me. It’s kind of cool to be there to answer the questions and explain that fitting a ship goes past the ability to just fly it.
    I looked your mate up about the highsec alliance. Talks there are going well. Now I just need new pilots to help. I actually expect to log more time in a rifter/wolf here shortly. One of the new pilots is keen to venture into LowSec and learn PvP. Honestly for a space hermit, I hate flying alone. Building my corp with eager new pilots with similar play schedules gives me more fleet time too. ;)



    P.S. I still have a few JC out in Provie. So who knows where I'll be mid winter with ZombiNutz if RL lets me be involed more.
