Friday, October 22, 2010

Odds and Ends Friday.

The week has been a steady week of laid back bearish activities for me. I’ve been chatting with potential new recruits. Some of them true new players and some of them just a little too savvy for a real noob. Either way the chats are fun and social interaction is a key part of the MMO. I’ve only hired one new pilot to date, but I am in no rush to build numbers.

With Capsuleer officially gone now I find my iPhone addiction has reduced greatly. I’ve loaded and removed iClone 5 times now in the last year or so. I just cannot learn to love it, and well when it tells me my characters are not training even when I manually re-enter the API code and sit through a 5 min update. Especially when I am looking at my pilot in game training, and EVEMON tells me they are training. IClone is not a bad app, we just don’t gel. At least this extra iPhone time has let me improve on my Angry Birds scores and unlock a few more cars in need for speed. Sorry blog pack, you are going to miss a ton of readers. :(

I’ve come to a new mindset around ISK in EVE these days. I basically don’t set it as the focus of an activity and rather focus on the activity itself to be the reason I am online playing. The really awesome side of that is I tend to enjoy the tasks more and my wallet is the healthiest it’s been for a while. So if you’re sitting about wondering how to make ISK. I suggest do fun stuff and welcome some organic growth in wealth as a result.

Dev blog flowage is up and well it seems that CSM have at the very least (and by no means the end of the good) inspired a lot more dev blogs. Almost daily we have a new blog post on the many things the dev teams are doing to make our new Eden a better place. I find them all a good read for the most part. However if you don’t have time to read them all, I’ve become addicted to Mandrill’s dev blog break downs via RSS feed on my phone while out and about.

New toys in the hanger this month include a nasty little Ishkur for SonOfBraben and a Viator as well following on nicely from the Helios. This was a good distraction to the endless science skills required for T2 invention and production. ZombiNutz has ‘ceptors and Assault Ships for Minmatar, Caldari and Gallente. I’ve got a wolf and a Jag fitted out and ready to play thanks to HCSH production runs.




  1. Never read blogs on Capsuleer, you probably have to find something that just works for you getting around to your reading list. Most the blogs i read I also read on my IPhone especially when at work. I can remember most the blogs i read and have a direct link to all of them, so i just usually run down the list and hit all the others after going to the first few ones I read or check more often. That works for me.

    Yeah in a MMO its always nice to make new friends or welcome new people to the game to help them learn the ropes. Much more needed in EVE than in most other MMO's.

    Know what you mean with learning the Science skills, i think i'm somewhat behind you in learning those since not too long ago got started with science skills. looking at the things need to learn I'm figuring it will be a while before I can get back to even training for a new ship.

    Agree with the ISK making part as well, once you know how to make ISK it comes much more easily but if you just do the things you enjoy with your time its much better when it can come organically. As long as you enjoy what your doing and its fun.

  2. thanks for dropping in Galo. Always like comments and feedback.

    I have to say I am happy in EVE right now. Simple things like giving back a little does wounders.

    Planning a CORP funded PvP trip to low in the near future. Free ships and clone costs covered by the corp. Should make loss much easier for new folks to take.



  3. Man almost a whole week, I'm getting serious withdrawl symptoms here.
