Monday, May 17, 2010

Real life ganks and other stuff.

A little snippit that is far too common in The Stig Hut:

ZombiNutz> Wife Gank.
Noah Vale> Align and warp!!!

It’s been another spotty week for EVE for me with no time to really settle into any PvP work in Providence. I am still seeing 30 minute windows between work and the family. So poor old ZombiNutz will have to be content to read the kill mails and train for interceptors for now.

On the other side of the coin the builders have started down the long road to T2 production. Currently skilling for the most part, but also making our first component runs for 1MN AB II. While modest little items in terms of price, I use them in a large number of the fits I fly. Also now that I’ve dropped ~30M ISK in skill books and BPO’s the profit on them is near 60%. While not great I can live with spending 20M ISK and making 65M ISK back. All without having to mine until my eyes bleed or at all if I want to slightly reduce the profit. So the 30 minute play times are not all bad in the long haul.

It looks like Wednesday night fights have stalled before they began. With Astral going 100% pirate he seems to have lost interest in the event. With my spotty play time over the last few weeks I have not been able to field a frigate on a Wednesday either. While I’d still be keen to honor any 1 v 1 frigate fight requests that come my way. I am not so sure fight club will be talked about again.

I sure hope this week allows me a little more concurrent game time to take part in providence fun. If not I am going to hop back to empire and burn some rifters in lowsec for grins. I am sure I can find someone to shoot at in 30 mins.




  1. Having the same challenges lately. This happened this time last year as well, tough with Summer coming and all the demands on your time. Eve waits though and it'll still be there.

  2. Making sure I keep my skill training going and some production runs active. Let the corp. know I am still alive. That's about all I can do.


