Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who painted the big “RUN AWAY” on my rifter!?!?

It’s funny but as I write this I am a very VERY frustrated PvP pilot. Sure I have not had/dedicated a lot of time of late to PEW PEW. That is just RL being a jerk as it can be. However I find it annoying that I have a dedicated PvP character that is now well schooled in Frigate death skills. Said pilot is also a member of a providence based alliance with several active wars and daily operations in 0.0. Said pilot also has been spending all his time meandering around various LowSec spaces of late with hardly a lock attempt in many hours of trying to pick a fight.

Some say solo PvP is dead and while I try not to feel this way. I cannot for the life of me find a fight in LowSec right now. Sure I might be looking in the wrong places or just have bad timing. I will admit that I am no seasoned pirate/hunter by a long shot. However I am disheartened that even a gang of 5 noobs in a fleet of rifters fail to have a crack at me flying solo in a rifter. I mean WHAT THE F**K kind of kittens are these people?!?!? Do I need to fit a mining laser to my bloody rifter before you will take me on in a 5:1 fight!?! I mean it’s not like I am a 6 year old character flying a bloody Dramiel!!!

Last night was another great example of my options as a PvP pilot. I could have easily jump cloned back down to 0.0 and joined a gate camp and been on 5 kill mails as the fleet snagged nosy stealth bombers on the gates in our pocket. The thing is gate camping bores the shit out of me and frankly makes cry a little every time 10 of us melt a stealth bomber on a gate. I mean the lame 7 kills I have on Battleclinic could easily be 30 by now if I just took part in the daily gate camps in the pocket. However this also is Anti solo PvP, even if it is important to defend space. I have spent many hours camping gates locking down systems while the big guns do their work. Long hours orbiting a gate praying for a gate fire that is not friendly. Sure important work, but as dull as mining and frankly pretty damn dull PvP.

Perhaps I need to find a small gang PvP Corp. and dedicate at least one night a week for 4+ hours to the cause. A few of my kills are fleet based while moving from point A to point B in the Corp. Those few kills were by far the most fun for me. The thrill of the chase or being chased culminating in a fight where there are staggered odds but a fighting chance for either side to win. Not I got the point on the Stealth Bomber this time before it gets melted in 10 seconds or less. Whoopi, I get to post the KM.

Anyhow, just frustrated at solo PvP right now and while some days I am the problem being too hesitant to engage. Other times like last night I cannot even get a gang of 5 rifters to attack me. Come help me out if you in the Hasama pocket of The Citadel. I typically head in through Mara from Lonetrek. Come fight me in a T1 frigate. Shit bring a blob if you are too big of a sissy to try and solo a wet behind the ears rifter pilot. If you want to fleet up and roam, great. If you want to fleet up and then warp to me for an easy kill at this point I’d almost thank you for the fight. In game mail ZombiNutz if you cannot find me online. I am typically on post 10pm US Eastern, but a few days a week I can pretty much be on any time of day.




  1. Ho there.. I too roam mostly in low sec just looking for fights in a T1 frig. Reason why I'm in this corp and in FW. Perhaps I can go seek you out one of these days.

    Just came here from Rixx's blog.

  2. Hey there, just here to let you know you are not alone, I float around in low sec as a 4 month old character in a rifter and have a tough time getting engagements as well. Hopefully if we keep it up, we can keep the breath in this solo PvP thing we are doing. Keep strong.

  3. I plan to go back out again real soon. I might even start throwing myself againt any target next run. I'll die, but it beats being frustrated about living :)

    Perhaps I'll see you about :)


